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The Usual Fantasy

the fantasy begins the way it always does
I have just come home and found her in my bed
nude and reading a book from my library
underlining favorite passages
but this is no time for words
instead there is an embrace
soft lips and fingers trace
perhaps there is something more
our eyes and bodies quite capable
of putting clumsy paragraphs to shame
the silence of this love
is deafening

the red yellow plume of a bomb detonation
can sometimes catch our eye
the industrious volcano spitting harmful ash
is a heavenly sight
and yet, like any brilliant moment that is so beautiful
what is the aftermath of this explosion to be?
perhaps it is better to never build the bomb
but once the weapon is created
must it be used?

never and ever and forever and everything
hold their delicious secret
the shower finished for minutes now
cold air licks my thighs and back
large clear water droplets dance on my bumpy skin

I shiver
I wake up
and the world comes to me again