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Bring in the New
2/9/2001 12:11 PM

I know. It's been too long. I've been busy. Reports of my death have been exaggerated. Yadda yadda yadda, et al. I'm not complaining; everythings fine. After a full day of working and a full evening of socializing, I just can't find the energy or time to update. I've been scratching stuff down, but not enough to honestly be happy with. I have no desire to dump the journal, that never crossed my mind. I suppose like anything, keeping it alive is going to have different meaning to me. Depends on what I am up to at a given time.

Another busy weekend lies ahead. Tonight I am going to see a friend sing with her new band. She used to be in an old band of mine. Tomorrow morning I head west for a day in the studio with my band. We're going to record 5 songs for use as a demo. No tapes this time around - we're going right to CD. On Sunday, I have another hash. It's supposed to get cold again. Just in time.

A few highlights of the past month:

Saw Kurt Vonnegut speak just down the street from my house. I got there almost 2 hours early, and I'm glad that I did. It was standing room only. I took my digital camera and took some pictures of my favorite author. He basically did a stand up routine that I had seen before when I saw him speak at Hamilton College. I hear that he may be writing another novel. If so, I can finally read "Timequake." John Ashbery, William Kennedy and George Plimton were all on hand, and I was very impressed with George Plimpton. A very funny man. He described the Empire State Plaza in Albany as a "great pile."

Jammed with a friend. Wrote a song. Check out the lamp I bought!

Went to New York City to see Arc play. A couple friends and I went down early and drove around Manhattan. We caught a bit of a movie with Meryl Streep being filmed, right on 7th Avenue. We stopped and took some pictures and watched them do a few takes. Took the subway from the village up to 33rd Street and went to the top of the Empire State Building. It was right at sunset and gorgeous. In fact, this month's picture was taken then. Then we found a Korean Restaurant (we were searching for Thai food) and had a great meal. For the first time in my life, I ate little salted fish whole. And squid! I ate squid and I would eat it again. I discovered that I love Kim Shi. Watch your Metroland next week, as Arc will be the feature band on the cover.

Bought a bed frame. It's great. Nice and high off the floor. And a lot sturdier. I had actually set out to buy a different frame, but I couldn't find the store. Notice to advertisers: Don't just draw us out of our houses to buy stuff. Make sure that we know where you are. I drove all over the place looking for this store, and finally settled on a store that I came across. They gave me a good deal, and voila.

Bought a new sound card for the basement studio pc. The software that comes with it is very cool. I can lay down an accompaniment and play along. Great practice.

My first boss passed away recently. He's in a better place now. Rest in Peace, Dr. Brummitt.

Got a new mixer for studio pc.

Got a new oven (compliments of the landlord).

Bought a vacuum cleaner. Yay! First time in 6 years I have suction!

Got an effects processor, a Boss ME-30, for my guitar.

Got the EZ-Pass for the car (which, by the way, is working very well.) It's still strange for me to just cruise through the toll booths without rolling down my window.

Got the new Mark Knopfler Sailing To Philadelphia CD from a gift certificate that I got for Christmas. It's very nice.

Is there something wrong with me? I am almost the most excited about the vacuum cleaner....

The Linkfest

Living in Grey Town, an online strip.
Emoticons from Japan. The Japanese even have better emoticons than we do.
Adult Comedy, UK style
Area Gray, an online journal
Alt.SexStories Text Repository
Girlfriend Stealer
Ford Models - Need to buy a white woman?
Ouchy The Clown
The Painted Body

["I was a science major. So when I started writing, I didn't know it sucked!" - Kurt Vonnegut]

I can't complain, but sometimes I do
2/13/2001 2:06 PM

A popular local restaurant, Bob and Ron's Fish Fry lost their founder recently. Bob DeLeonardis founded the restaurant in 1957 and never moved it. I still make it down for lunch on the odd occasion, I guess I just want to say to Bob, "so long and thanks for all the fish."

I had to. You understand, don't you?

I had a great weekend. I went to see a good friend perform in her new band on Friday, and it turned into a big party. Mayor Jennings was there, and I got a chance to talk to him a little bit. At one point he offered me a job, but he was just joking. I spent (more than) a few hours in a recording studio with my band on Saturday. I had more fun learning the mixing/mastering stage than I did playing the songs. It's really amazing what software can do for you these days. We did everything on a computer. Now I have the itch to build something like it in my basement. All I need is a soundproof control room, a closet to use as an Iso-chamber for the amps, and lots and lots of wires. I don't have a CD master yet, but I should get one soon. There's one more vocal track that needs to be redone.

I had a hash on Sunday. (Read: Brrr!) We had the run in Watervliet and Troy. Crossing the Husdon River twice on foot was awesome. You don't get a chance to do that often.

I talked to my boss today and learned that things are moving forward in terms of hiring me some help here in Albany. He told me that I would be the new persons direct supervisor, which is great for the resume.

Women don't need much in a man. He just needs to be rich and handy. To quote a friend, "Women want Bill Gates to come and fix their plumbing."

The Linkfest

Blather - What happens when you link every word
Exploitation Now
John W. Mauchly and the Development of the ENIAC Computer

["I've had more women --- than MOST people --- have noses." - Steve Martin, 1/5/83]

I'm going to see 5 Barenaked Ladies
2/16/2001 2:27 PM

I'm leaving early from work today to drive out to Massachusetts. I am going to see the Barenaked Ladies for the first time. I love this band.

A new reporting policy at work is going to drive me crazy. They want me to report how many requests I get every week, how many get taken care of, and how long it took to work them. Great. Nothing like micromanagement to make your day.

Been a busy week. Lots of changes for the Yacht Club database, some reports to get out. A billing system that I set up for a friend of mine needed some tweaking, web page work for Arc, etc., etc. I am thinking about buying a new bass rig for my studio, and I found a great bass head used at a local place. I'm going to go over there tomorrow with my bass and a 4x10 Peavey cabinet that a friend of mine wants to sell and see how it all sounds together.

A friend of mine is planning to move to California. She invited me along on the cross country road trip with her and another friend. I mean it sounds fun and all, and what an experience it would be. But then you start thinking about it more and you just imagine what it would be like. The scene: The open road, somewhere in Missouri. A flat tire has brought us down...

"Oh, great. Just F@#(*$ing GREAT."

"Shut up."

"It's your fault."

"My fault? My fault that I can't take another minute of your off-key singing?"

"What does a flat tire have to do with my singing?"

"Ever since Ohio, EVERYTHING has to do with your singing!"

"I'm hungry"

"Shut up! Or we won't let you out of the trunk!"

Just like Road Rules. We'll all hate each other before it's over.

On the CD Player: Souvenirs, John Prine. Negotiations & Love Songs, Paul Simon. The Final Rip-Off, Monty Python

The Linkfest

Anne Marie Stehn, Bassist for Antigone Rising
Belch.Com Yeah...It's what it sounds like it is.

["My dad said I'd never amount to anything. Lucky guess." - David Cousins 1/7/90]

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